1. Ethereum’s ETF has basically been approved, and it is only a matter of time before it is listed. The revolution has been successful again.

Who asked for someone's name to be called E(以)T(太)F(坊)?


Ethereum’s performance this year has been relatively disappointing. I have seen many groups complaining about the performance of Ethereum.

Now it seems that is it Erbing who is not good enough or you who are not good enough?

When the second cake was not strong, it was giving you the opportunity to get on board. Now that it is strong, how much position do you have?

In fact, there were already signs that Ethereum’s ETF would be passed.

In January this year, the United States passed the Bitcoin ETF, which became a signal:

If Bitcoin can do it, why can’t Ethereum?

In other words, after the Bitcoin ETF is approved, who will be approved next?

There is only one answer, and that is Ethereum.

Hong Kong has taken the lead in this regard. Although it launched ETFs later than the United States, Ethereum was one of the first ETF products approved.

Then, Sun Ge continued to build up his Ethereum position in the recent period.

Your position determines your status.

At Sun Ge's level, the level at which he can receive information is already very high. Many things have actually been spread within a certain range before they are publicly disclosed, it's just that you and I are not in that circle.

You can say Sun cuts bad things, but you can't say Sun cuts vegetables.

2. Let’s talk about Ethereum itself. After it is listed, it will definitely rise if nothing unexpected happens, because there will be new liquidity injection.

In previous articles by Juzuo, we have also compared the ETF market capacity of Hong Kong and the United States. The size of funds in the United States is far greater than that in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong's crypto market has no future

Let's make a more optimistic prediction. Assuming that Ethereum continues to rise after the ETF, because Bitcoin and Ethereum maintain a relatively stable exchange rate, there will be two situations:

1. The price of Bitcoin continues to rise following that of Ethereum, which is equivalent to Bitcoin rising along with the liquidity injection of Ethereum - just like the massive printing of US dollars three years ago that led to the last bull market.

2. There was no movement in Bitcoin, but after Ethereum rose, coin holders frantically dumped the currency to make profits, pushing the exchange rate between the two back to a relatively stable range.

But Ju Zuo thought that the second situation was unlikely.

Because Ethereum also has its own consensus group.

Although it is far less decentralized than Bitcoin, at least the group of people holding the currency is complex enough. Unless there is a one-sided extreme black swan event, the possibility of a collective crash is not high.

In other words, Juzuo is more inclined to believe that after the ETF is listed, Bitcoin will be pushed up again.


I also talked about this with my friends at noon today, so I summarized it as follows:

The value of Bitcoin lies in HODL.

If you can't hold on to it, the value of Bitcoin will not be realized.

So from this perspective, Bitcoin is no longer an asset class that ordinary people can participate in. It is more like a financial product with a high entry threshold and a long lock-up period.

But its rate of return is also very good because it is a friend of time and an enemy of fiat currency.

The reason why you are not strong enough is because your warehouse is not heavy enough.

The warehouse is always full and the eyes are always filled with tears.

I plan to write about Ouyi’s withdrawal from the application for a Hong Kong license tomorrow. If you want to read it, please give me a like.