The anti-fraud in the cryptocurrency circle has taken a heavy blow! Why are the current 100U war gods starting to publicly carry orders? Who gave you the courage to publish an article without any theoretical knowledge to open a copy trading system, and immediately enter the anti-order huge loss after opening the copy trading!

You still have the face to ask all the big guys to cooperate, this kind of operation is obviously not to come out and embarrass yourself. Maybe the funds you follow will be lost in less than two days under his random operation. Why does he care about the rebate if he can make money by opening orders? This kind of deliberate posting of rebate links is obviously done by people who can't make money.

So you have to open your eyes when following orders in the cryptocurrency circle. You can see his level from his usual posts. Without any strategy, he only writes some opportunistic articles and will never stand on the cryptocurrency platform.

Now a small blogger has started to open a copy trading system. I really mourn for those friends who still dare to follow orders. If you are still losing money in front of which bloggers, you can leave a message in the comment area!

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