Six "junk" coins, no one would buy them! ! ! ! !

1. ORDI: The tragic song of the leeks is played here

• ORDI is like a nightmare for investors, trapping a large number of leeks in it and making them unable to extricate themselves. Its suffocatingly long wash cycle makes people despair. EOS, FIL and ORDI are considered the nightmare trio of leeks, and just hearing their names is enough to scare people.

2. ENA: The terrifying trap behind the peak at the debut

• The trend of ENA coin is like a crazy roller coaster. It rushed to the peak as soon as it debuted, but then it was the endless decline and deep lock-in. Investors lamented that the wash cycle of this coin is so long that it is beyond imagination and extremely frightening.

3. OP: Calm in the bull market, hopeless in the bear market

• OP coin failed to cause a ripple in the bull market, and it did nothing in the bear market. Compared with holding OP, investors are obviously more willing to hold on to the more stable USDT, just because OP's performance in the market is too disappointing.

4. MAGIC and other blockchain game coins: typical examples of GameFi's decline

• The once extremely glorious blockchain game coins have gradually become abandoned by the market. In particular, the blockchain game coins represented by MAGIC have performed extremely weakly in this round of bull market, which makes people full of deep doubts about their future development.

5. Merlin: The "lying flat king" in the BTC bull market

• During the BTC bull market, Merlin coin not only failed to show its due vitality, but also turned on the "lying flat mode". This kind of inaction made investors' confidence in it collapse instantly.

6. Ethereum-based currencies: internal and external troubles, the future is worrying

• The poor performance of Ethereum-based currencies in this round of bull market is mainly due to the continuous increase in the number of currencies and the repeated division of the market cake. What's worse is that the BTC ecosystem is still eroding the share of the Ethereum system, and the future of Ethereum-based currencies is really worrying.

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