Amazing! Bitcoin makes 50,000 become a million-dollar secret!

Wow! Listen carefully, I will only teach you once

When the price of Bitcoin is 10,000, open a position, use 10 times leverage position-by-position mode, and only use 10% of the position, that is, 5,000 margin. This is like using 1 times leverage and setting a stop loss of 2 points, so the loss is only 1,000. When the price rises to 11,000, you can open another 10% of the total funds and set a 2% stop loss. Even if you stop loss, you can still gain something. Rolling positions, that is, adding positions with floating profits, is a common method in the futures field. It is not necessary to maintain 5 to 10 times leverage all the time, and it is enough to maintain two or three times leverage. The key is to add positions with floating profits and maintain the total position at two or three times. Playing Bitcoin is actually relatively safe. As long as you have enough patience, time is like an ATM. The profits brought by rolling positions are huge, and you can accumulate considerable wealth after a few successful ones. Don't roll over positions easily, but look for high-certainty opportunities that enter a sideways oscillation state after a sharp drop, and suddenly break upward after multiple bottoming out. If you want to earn 1 million, 50,000 is enough and risk-free. You can first invest 100,000, wait for the perfect opportunity to kill retail investors in the b circle to buy spot to earn 100,000 profits, and then take out 50,000 to gamble. If you lose, invest another 50,000. After gambling all the profits, stop in time and rely on the 100,000 principal to make profits and then gamble. The seemingly simple operation actually requires great patience. Only in this way can you get rich in the b circle without taking the risk of explosive losses. Don't hoard coins. Those who hoard coins may have just recovered their capital now. Even if they invest until the peak of the bull market, it is difficult to get multiple times the return. In addition, you need to pay close attention to market dynamics, adjust your strategy at any time according to market changes, stay calm and rational, and don't be swayed by emotions. Only in this way can you be at ease in the field of Bitcoin investment and get rich returns.

Deduct 3 from the comment area and get 5u randomly

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