Odaily Planet Daily News Blockchain technology Zulu officially announced that the verification algorithm of Groth16, the first zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) algorithm written in Bitcoin script independently developed by the Zulu team, has successfully passed the test. This breakthrough will further promote the rapid development of BitVM and promote major progress in the field of decentralized finance and secure data verification on Bitcoin. It is an important milestone in the process of Bitcoin ecology. If ZKP can be verified, more application scenarios and products that improve the Bitcoin ecology can be derived. According to official disclosures, Zulu is developing two products: -The first BitVM-based bridge to achieve cross-chain of large assets (for fixed amounts); -And the first decentralized ZK bridge to provide users with cross-chain operations of any amount. This means that the Zulu chain will truly be able to inherit the second-layer network of Bitcoin network security and economic security.