How can a MEME coin rise in value?

Perhaps you would think that it requires a good social atmosphere, good social communication and enough KOLs, but a popular method recently is: live broadcast of self-harm, borderline and sexual innuendo.

Yes, you heard it right, these "weird" methods appeared on a website called

A MEME coin developer named DARE played with fire in his live broadcast room. In order to attract attention, he set off fireworks at himself. As a result, the coin price did not rise, but he suffered third-degree burns and was hospitalized. In the end, the gains did not outweigh the losses.

There are even more vulgar live broadcasts, pretending to be a mother and son to conduct a two-person live broadcast. When the coin price reaches a certain milestone, different actions will be taken to respond, such as pouring milk on certain parts of the "mother".

Ironically, this kind of live broadcast effect is very good. The coin price does change with the changes in the mother's movements. Once she leaves the camera, it will fall, and when she makes indecent movements, it will rise. In the end, the MEME coin became a "popularity ticket in the pornographic live broadcast room."

Behind the chaos of MEME coin live broadcasts, to put it bluntly, it is the attention economy. In order to attract traffic, everything is done. But such behavior is unsustainable. If the cryptocurrency circle is affected by the spread of such dirty content, it will be difficult to be recognized by the public.

For MEME coins, we still need to have a heart of peace and love.

#memecoin🚀🚀🚀 $MEME

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