Today we are going to talk about a topic, which is the safety of practitioners.

In the past few years, Ju Zuo has come into contact with practitioners in various ecological niches.

From small community developers to large exchanges, there are all kinds of roles, including some monsters and demons.

But as long as you are a practitioner, there is one issue that you absolutely cannot avoid, and that is the issue of safety.

The safety here does not refer to personal safety, but specifically refers to the compliance risks brought about by violations of regulations and laws.

Under the current policies in mainland China, no one can ignore this extremely critical point. This is also the first priority that many practitioners and entrepreneurs must consider - if you are in China, you must do things within the compliance framework.

But as I met more and more people, I discovered an interesting phenomenon:

Many people attribute their inability to get things done to their aversion to risk.

Here are some simple examples:

If I wasn't afraid of the risk, I would have taken off right away.

Our project could have been very big, but we gave up because of the compliance risks.

If I had gone out to sea in person, I would have made these leeks in China cry out for mercy and I would have achieved financial freedom long ago.

It seems that after going overseas, you can make a lot of money in addition to complying with regulations.

Yesterday, Ju Zuo said that some "leeks" regard investment research as a magic weapon.

By the same token, many sickles also regard going overseas and complying with regulations as magic weapons.

But what Ju Zuo wants to say is that many project parties or entrepreneurs have not even figured out their own business models, but have started to fantasize.

You are a greenhorn if you are not good at it, why do you attribute the problem to compliance and going overseas?

You are awesome, you can make a lot of money in the country.

You are a loser. You can't make money anywhere.

You think you are a leek that can go out to sea, but to be honest, you may find out that you are actually a leek after you go out to sea.

There are so many teams going overseas, but many of them didn't make any money.

How come you can make money as soon as you go out to sea? Are you the chosen one?

Safety is just safety, not an excuse for your mediocrity.

Entrepreneurs in the cryptocurrency circle are generally divided into several types:

The first type is resource-based, such as senior executives of large companies, graduates from prestigious universities, financial backgrounds, etc. In simple terms, they have good resources and can directly enter the circle to cash in.

This type is the most common and the market pays the most. But to be honest, this group of people is the most unsightly.

The second type is the technical type. For example, senior programmers who did well in web2 before and have been working on web3 in recent years. This type is not as popular as the previous one. Although they have technical strengths, they are not very useful in the financial field. They either work as CTOs in projects, work on projects themselves, or outsource.

Of course, there are also a small number of people who have successfully transformed and landed on the shore. For example, in yesterday’s article, there were some people like this in the defi summer, and some also opened exchanges.

The third type is the talented type. This type of people are mostly young people, who are aggressive, courageous, radical, highly sensitive to the industry, and dare to think and act, but have a poor sense of bottom line.

Ju Zuo has seen many ambitious young people like this, and they basically have great ups and downs. . .

The reason is actually very simple. Their success comes from trend + luck, but they attribute this to their own ability. They feel that they are awesome and omnipotent. They even have an arrogant feeling that the world is in their hands after they become arrogant.

After a gust of wind, everything will fall down the same way it flew up.

But they won't accept their fate, they just attribute it to bad luck, and then want to return to their former glory. However, they don't know that they can't go back, and they can only sink deeper and deeper into the quagmire.

In fact, it is not only entrepreneurs who have such experiences, many investors (leeks) also have this feeling.

Those who can wake up after such an experience can take another step forward or even two levels.

Those who are too obsessed and refuse to change may be locked in this circle for the rest of their lives.

The fourth type is the hardworking type. I think I belong to this type. This type of person does not have many extraordinary abilities, but is hardworking and persistent enough. There may not be many big results, but overall they are moderate and can still make a little money.

For me, having money and being able to live comfortably is enough. Compared to getting rich overnight, I prefer to get rich slowly. Calmness, decency and inner consistency are what I pursue.

If you are in the web3/blockchain/cryptocurrency industry, whether you are a practitioner or an entrepreneur, it is recommended that you check this out for yourself.

There are many invisible walls in this world that you can't get through no matter how hard you try.

Therefore, it is better to stay within a safe range and realize and magnify your own value. Don’t think too much about unnecessary things. As the saying goes, fortune and misfortune come from one’s own actions. It is often you who destroy yourself.

For example, if you are a technical player and you want to get involved in other people's resource-based business, are you a match for them? You may be particularly envious of the potential energy that resources can bring, but why do you have this potential energy? And your intention is so obvious that these people in the resource circle will eat you up.

You could have done well in the technology circle, but ended up falling into hell because you wanted to move to the next level.

Ju Zuo believes that, whether as an entrepreneur or an investor, one must look at oneself seriously from both positive and negative aspects:

On the positive side, you need to know what you are good at, what you can do, what you cannot do, and where the boundaries of your abilities and safety boundaries are.

Many people fall into the abyss because they don’t know their own safety boundaries. I have seen and heard too many such cases over the years.

To put it the other way around, after you know the limits of your abilities and safety boundaries, then come back and see what you can achieve with your best efforts, instead of drawing a pie in the sky for yourself and then foolishly attributing your ability problems to luck, compliance, going overseas, and other things that you have no idea about.

Ju Zuo has really seen many people who are so cruel that they even deceive themselves.

Making money, doing business, that's not shabby.

Even sometimes it's cheating, business is not bad.

But it's really shameful when you even deceive yourself.