Arthur Hayes: US-Japan currency swap may trigger a surge in cryptocurrencies, and Bitcoin is expected to hit $1 million

According to BlockBeats, on May 21, Arthur Hayes, founder of BitMEX, pointed out in his latest article that in order to curb the depreciation of the yen, the Federal Reserve may reach an unlimited dollar-yen swap agreement with the Bank of Japan. Hayes believes that this move is equivalent to the Federal Reserve's implementation of yield curve control, which will cause a sharp depreciation of the US dollar.

In Hayes' view, the depreciation of the US dollar means a sharp increase in global US dollar liquidity. This will be good for the cryptocurrency market led by Bitcoin. He predicts that if the US and Japanese central banks really adopt a "simple and crude" currency swap policy, it will trigger a new round of cryptocurrency rises. At that time, the price of Bitcoin is expected to hit the $1 million mark, or even set a record high.

Hayes recommends that cryptocurrency traders pay close attention to future changes in the US dollar-yen exchange rate, and at the same time, they can appropriately increase their cryptocurrency allocation. He emphasized that once the market finds that the US and Japan are conducting large-scale currency swaps and the scale of swaps continues to expand, it is likely to mean that a cryptocurrency bull market is coming. $BNB $BTC $ETH