$BTC $ENA $PEPE #sagacoin #Notcion #ETH #BNBđŸ”„ girl. Bring me the red file, write it down, girl, 52i bags of cement, 64 bags of lime, 10 gauge construction iron, 5 kg binding wire.

They made news about the approval process of Kıpto. Approval means that the taxes will be unregistered. Can they afford to do this? Or I don't think they will approve before the regulation comes. Although it is safe, everything is permissible. I guess it will be announced in 30 minutes. However, they will not be able to lock it in well with someone. I think we will read in the news how many positions will explode tomorrow. 150-200 million dollars every day, do not waste your money, use a stop. If the stop bursts and returns, it is not yours anyway. The transactions will settle for 2 days, the market opportunities will not end, they may want to keep the weekend closing high, let's say 3 days, good night.