The most exciting moment of this month is coming. The latest news shows that the application status of the Ethereum spot ETF will be finally confirmed on the 23rd Eastern Time, that is, before 4 am on the 24th Beijing Time. At present, the possibility of 19B-4 being approved has risen to 90%. The market's focus is on whether the products can be approved for listing at the same time.

The news was accompanied by violent fluctuations in the short-term market. On-chain data showed that Ethereum's 24-hour trading volume decreased by 27%, but the contract position increased by 4%, and leverage liquidation of 43 million US dollars in the past 24 hours. After the news landed, if Ethereum follows the trend of the previous Bitcoin ETF approval, that is, it rises first and then falls, breaks through 4,000 points above, and then rapidly retreats 3,500 points, the 500-point range will accumulate nearly 2.1 billion US dollars.

History may not repeat itself, but I don’t recommend taking advantage of this high volatility range. After the macroeconomic recovery, new incremental funds are visible to the naked eye. Money in the crypto market is endless, but it can be lost. Ethereum’s layout has been discussed for a long time, and it was also very early. I believe that there is no locked-in position at 3,800 points of Ethereum in the community, so we will patiently wait for the end of this wave of turnover without considering the band, and see you at the next high.

Yesterday, the US Bitcoin ETF continued to show a net inflow, with a total inflow of 2,211 bitcoins, about 154 million US dollars, of which 231 Grayscale GBTCs flowed out. Currently, the total global ETF holdings are 986,800, of which the US accounts for 850,000. The off-market sentiment continues to remain relatively optimistic, and the outlook is relatively consistent and optimistic in the long term.

Nvidia released its first quarter financial report yesterday, with revenue of $26.04 billion, a year-on-year increase of 262%, and net profit of $14.88 billion. Unfortunately, the AI ​​sector of the crypto market has not followed the recent surge, and is collectively in a semi-dormant state. Of course, Sanshu still clearly believes that the AI ​​sector will accompany the entire bull market through this cycle and will give the market a good answer.

The strongest sector during the day is still the meme series. This bull market is the best. After the complete defeat of VC coins, BN also gave new listing requirements, the core of which is to pursue projects with small market capitalization, good products and relatively large circulation. The development of this market requires every direct participant to be closely linked. There is nothing wrong with making money, but while making money, you must also contribute to making money for the market.

The biggest bottleneck in the short and medium term is still the lack of liquidity. As the sentiment improves stage by stage, after the ETFs are approved, the next is the ETFs with new targets. Later, with the gradual introduction of the interest rate cut issue, this bull market can gradually reach its final climax. It is easy to say that you can trade time for space, but it is really hard to stick to it!

BTC: Bitcoin broke through 68,000 points. The pressure became the defense line. Of course, in the short term, Bitcoin's new high has become a relatively certain trend. The top amplitude is relatively large, which supports the defense point of spot. Continue to hold it patiently. After the short-term market has pulled up, there is a necessary adjustment demand. For the time being, hold the currency above the defense position and wait and see.

ETH: Ethereum can wait for the news to land. After looking at the on-chain data today, even if the extreme situation of not passing occurs, the market will not go back. However, in the short-term market, whether the good news lands as bad news or the potential delivery rate of Grayscale's more than 3 million Ethereum, if Ethereum passes in the short term, it will definitely face a wave of turnover. Compared with not passing, the difference is that the rebound result in the future market will be increased with certainty. Therefore, partners who do swing trading can sell part of the goods if the price rises in a short period of time after the conclusion comes out, and seek opportunities to intervene below the bottom of 3,500 points in the later stage. For long-term partners, don't look at the market in the past month. There will be surprises next month. The cyclical market remains optimistic and bullish.

SOL: It is moving towards the predetermined previous high. The trend is very strong. There is limited room for short-term market correction, and this wave will continue to reach new highs.

JTO: As the largest liquidity protocol on the SOL chain, the current bullish logic of the fundamentals is also certain, and it is one of the sectors that deserves strong attention in the short and medium term.

Other copycats: In the short term, focus on the Solana ecosystem, as a new round of offensive is expected to begin.

Finally, stay away from leverage and stock up on spot goods! ​​​#以太坊ETF批准预期 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 $BTC