The long-awaited bull market in 2024 has quietly begun. After the bull market in the first quarter, the halftime break has arrived. The mainstream has pulled back, and the copycat has been cut in half. It seems that the bull market is about to end before it even begins. However, compared with 2023, most currencies still have several times the increase. The bull market is still there, but it just needs to recuperate. At this stage, we must be more patient, calm down, learn more, sort out the currencies in our hands, and welcome the upcoming super bull market.


Why do most people not hold on to their coins?

The current situation of most people in the currency circle:
1. The coins I bought did not increase in value, while the coins I did not buy kept rising. I once doubted that there was something wrong with my choice.
2. If the coins you bought continue to fall, you may easily lose confidence and sell them at a low point.
3. Blindly following the trend and chasing rising prices will lead to being trapped at high points.
4. The mentality is unstable. He smiles happily when the price goes up, but becomes anxious when the price goes down.
5. When buying coins, do not do research, do not analyze, do not look at the K-line, and buy randomly.
Please take a look at yourself. Have you ever doubted yourself, doubted whether the currency you bought was correct? Doubt whether you can make money in the cryptocurrency circle? The most important reason for these thoughts is that you don’t understand the currency well enough and have not conducted in-depth investment research.


What is Cryptocurrency Research?

If you want to work hard in an industry, it is particularly important to quickly learn industry knowledge. A completely inexperienced newcomer who just enters a new field will often suffer losses. If you want to make money, you must first lose money.
You have to pay tuition to enter any industry, and the tuition in the financial circle is often more expensive. Only when you lose enough and fall hard enough can you really improve quickly.
Investment research is a high-level knowledge in the cryptocurrency circle, helping newcomers to quickly understand the pros and cons of each currency. Through multi-dimensional analysis and evaluation of the currency cycle, such as fundamentals, data, macroeconomics, K-line trends, and trend analysis, it helps newcomers to quickly analyze the currency holding method, so that they can hold the currency without panic, have a clear mind, be fearless of bull and bear markets, and make plans to win thousands of miles away.


The importance of investment research

Whether it is short-term speculation or long-term holding, it is extremely important to understand the basic properties of a currency. Doing a good job of project investment research is an essential homework before purchasing. If you have a deep understanding of a currency, the psychological impact when encountering large fluctuations in the future will be reduced, and it will be less likely to make mistakes.

1. By investing in and researching currencies, you can quickly identify the track, respond quickly when a track explodes, and capture short-term hot spot effects.
2. Analyze the K-line patterns, determine the key points, respond quickly, and capture trading opportunities in a rapidly changing market environment.
3. Quickly analyze the situation through fundamentals and macro environment, make clear judgments, and seize trading opportunities in key events.

1. Through project investment and research, we can understand key information such as the future development of the currency, ecological applications, market value, unlocking circulation, etc., plan for the future, build confidence, and minimize the impact of short-term fluctuations.
2. Make long-term plans through analysis of fundamentals and macroeconomic environment to minimize the impact of short-term fluctuations

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