Old Wine Trading Diary: Daily Interpretation 5.23

① Intraday ultra-short-term-pressure: 70000

Before 70000, there is another pressure from 69500-69600. If this pressure cannot be broken today, the price will continue to test downward, that is, between 68700-68900. Continue to rebound and seek a breakthrough upward.

② Intraday ultra-short-term-support: 68700-68900

If it effectively falls below 68700-68900, it will look for support below 68000 and stabilize and rebound.

Summary: Again, the bullish trend has not changed. The intraday ultra-short-term is executing a retracement. It's not a big deal. Don't be afraid when you should be low and long. At the same time, you can also find opportunities to short by relying on pressure. #BTC走势分析