90% of the time in the currency circle is garbage time, and 10% of the time is the rising stage! Why do some people not make money, and lose money seriously! It is because these people choose the wrong operation at the wrong time!

You have to believe that the general trend is that Bitcoin will be at least 150,000. When you have this goal, you will not be anxious about various market news.

Let me say one more sentence. The critical months are from September to March. The next few months will seriously start the unilateral market. Even if there are all kinds of pins, negative declines, and plunges, they will recover lost ground in a few days, step by step. New highs, through washing contracts, washing out speculators, and thus reaching a climax, and then Gouzhuang starts to ship and start the bear stage! So most of the profits in the bull market, but in the end they all lost money. The reason is that think about the two days of the plunge in mid-April, the sudden smash, you keep buying the bottom, and keep being buried. Finally, you are fully invested in the bear market and find that all the coins have fallen by 90%! Don't take advantage of the tail market. 90% of people will be trapped in Mount Everest because of the tail market, especially the copycats. It is not certain whether they can survive to the next bull market. It is highly likely that they will not be able to get out of the trap in the next bull market!

Pay special attention to the three major sectors that are waiting for the advice of the big bulls, sol ecology, ai ecology, and RWA ecology!

Let me say one more thing about meme coins. This kind of coin belongs to the coin that rises and falls sharply. I recommend a people with low market value and full circulation. This coin can at least break the historical high, but it must withstand huge fluctuations!

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