Binance's new coin mining is finally here!

The third coin mining in May,

Megadrop's second coin mining

The second project to be launched on Binance Megadrop is Lista (LISTA), a liquidity staking and decentralized stablecoin protocol.

Project details

Token name: Lista (LISTA)

Maximum supply of tokens: 1,000,000,000 LISTA

Initial circulation: 230,000,000 LISTA (23% of the maximum supply of tokens)

Total Megadrop: 100,000,000 LISTA (10% of the maximum supply of tokens)

Binance will launch LISTA after the completion of Megadrop, and the specific listing plan will be announced separately.

The supply given in this Megadrop is larger than that of the previous BB,

BB gave 8% of the maximum supply,

LISTA gave 10% of the maximum supply.

The next article will calculate,

How much LISTA can be mined with one BNB,

and the expected price of LISTA.

Those who have interacted with LISTA in Binance web3 wallet in the early stage should also be able to give some.

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