$MEME Emergency notice! 🚨🚨🚨MEME market is changing rapidly

📈📉Current market analysis:

#MEME 4 hour level: MEME callback trend is obvious

1-2 hour level: sideways fluctuation, long and short interweaving. 🔥🔥🔥Find the author Cfst888

🎯Focus price:

1 hour long and short price: 0.027737, if it stands firm, a rebound is in sight!

🔝Upper target:




🔻Lower target:

If the sideways trend is not broken, long orders are hopeless, and downside risks need to be noted




🔔Warriors, please note:

There are risks in the currency circle, so be cautious when investing!

Hard work may not make you rich, but caution can definitely avoid risks!

**I wish you all a smooth transaction, safety first! **💪💪💪

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