After the Fed's rate hike meeting, Bitcoin's slow decline📉 will form a new round of big plunge⁉️

As you can see, after the Fed's rate hike meeting, I told you yesterday. According to the Fed's current attitude, it basically maintains high interest rates, which is a negative for the market. Then when the Fed's meeting was announced yesterday, the market did not go up and down like before, but gave a slow decline. Therefore, the subsequent position of Bitcoin at 67,500 is very critical. If it does not fall below this position in the future, the market will rise all the way. If it falls below this position, it will take a relatively large correction trend.

Then our long orders for ETH in this round started from 2880 and prompted everyone to go long, and it rose straight to 3800, setting a record for the largest surge in history📈So this wave of long orders was accurately taken

Then I saw that there were clowns🤡 colleagues deliberately discredited us by saying that our articles were bullish, and the private domain shorted and lost money. The clowns will always be clowns🤡 The private domain long orders were also made, 3000 long, 3410 stop profit, I sent articles to the square from beginning to end to encourage everyone to go long, and the orders sent to members were also long, there was no problem, the fans and members who saw my articles made a lot of money, the reason why the private domain is called private domain is that I don’t want anyone to join in‼ ️So what does it have to do with you that my private domain is losing money? You didn’t come to talk about it when my private domain doubled twice a month⁉️Now you are complaining about the loss⁉️It is normal to make profits and losses in transactions. It’s OK if the articles published to the public and the orders sent to members make money. Clown🤡 should improve your skills and don’t post articles that can’t make money for your fans. It’s just malicious blackmail

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #BTC走势分析