BTC started to lead the decline today, and the data is not good. As expected by Lao Deng in the early stage, a large amount of funds chose to abandon the top and run away because they could not break through the previous high.

Let's look at Figure 1 first. From the pin on the 21st to 72132, this pointed top was formed. I am looking at the 1-hour line now, which is not obvious. You can look at the 4-hour line. It will fall like a step-by-step, just like the previous wave of highs on April 8. Friends who often watch the US stock market like Lao Deng can see that the US stock market's Bitcoin digital stock fell by more than 5% yesterday. The analysis that Lao Deng is talking about now does not represent any order analysis, but just talks about the facts. Let's look at the capital market in Figure 2 again. It can be seen from the screenshot of the funds in my previous article that the funds are indeed flowing out, and the outflow is accelerating. From the news perspective, China's actions this time may be a side factor affecting the decline of BTC. Lao Deng will not talk too much here. In addition, the minutes of the Federal Reserve meeting are that it may be difficult to cut interest rates, and officials unanimously hope to maintain interest rates at a high level. The above analysis and summary are bearish. I think the trend of BTC will be a step-by-step decline in the future, and now ETH is watching the trend of BTC, because now a lot of long funds are pressed on the top, this wave of decline will cause great losses, ETH's trend will not fall slowly like BTC, he will see BTC fall to a certain position, ETH will plummet like a cliff. So Lao Deng did not open orders in the past two days, watching this extreme market.

Fundamentals, technical aspects and market reaction. It is safest when the three aspects point to the same direction.

#BTC走势分析 #热门话题 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥