Why so-called "fools" may indeed be more likely to get rich than "smart people" in some cases? Here are some possible reasons:

1. Simple thinking, decisive action:

Fools tend not to analyze and think about complex details too much, and they prefer to act directly. This decisive action allows them to seize opportunities quickly without missing out on opportunities due to over-analysis.

2. Fearless of risk:

Fools may not understand and perceive risks as well as smart people, so they are more likely to take bold actions. Sometimes, this fearlessness can bring high returns because they dare to enter areas that smart people may avoid.

3. Perseverance:

Fools may not be easily defeated by failure. They tend to keep trying until they succeed. Smart people may reevaluate and change direction when they encounter difficulties, resulting in missing some opportunities that can be obtained by persistence.

4. Social skills: Some so-called "fools" may have strong social skills. They are able to build good relationships with all kinds of people and gain support from their connections. In the business world, relationships and networks are often more important than pure intelligence.

5. Focus: Fools may be more likely to focus on one area or one project without being distracted by other potential opportunities or distractions. This focus can lead to deep expertise and continuous improvement, which leads to success.

6. Not bound by traditional thinking: Fools are less likely to be bound by traditional thinking patterns or rules. They may take unconventional methods and paths to find innovative business models or market opportunities. "Fools" look at things without prejudice. Even if they step on the same road and fail, they will continue to try.

7. Blessing of luck: Sometimes, success requires a certain amount of luck. As the old saying goes, fools have foolish luck. Fools may accidentally choose the right time and place to enter a fast-growing industry or market, thereby achieving rapid wealth.

Think carefully, is the RAM community growing stronger and stronger with the persistence of a group of "fools"? The RAM community will become the greatest community in the cryptocurrency circle. RAM will become the most valuable investment in the future.