Do not go against the 4-fold principle, look at the larger cycle first, that is, analyze on a weekly basis.

From the perspective of naked K, the two white lines we can see represent two upward trends at the weekly level.

Open Moving Average

The 3 moving averages are arranged in a bullish pattern. The moving average is a trend indicator. The advantage is that once a trend occurs, it is difficult to change. Now it is arranged in a bullish pattern at the weekly level, and the trend is even more difficult to change.

This is the decision cycle. What does it mean? It means how you should choose the direction of your order now. The weekly level is the decision cycle of the daily level.

After the big cycle determines the direction, look at the trading cycle.

From the perspective of naked K, the white line is the trend and the white box is the complex adjustment.

There are only two trends in the future

First: Continue to oscillate within this white frame

Second: Follow the white line trend

Looking at the moving average, the trend changes from entanglement to long position.

During the trading cycle, the main focus should be on going long.

The two cycles are clear: one is the decision-making cycle and the other is the trading cycle.

After analyzing the trend, the next step is to determine the trading position

3 trading methods:

1. Break through this box and then step back to enter the market

2. Scratch the breakthrough order of this box

3. Wait for the price to return to the bottom of the box before continuing

Will there be a different trend in the future that does not conform to the current analysis?

It is possible that, if it does not meet the requirements, you will need to adjust your plan in time, analyze it, and then establish a new plan to face the latest market.

There are a few things to explain here:

1. This post is written for the fan who asked for analysis, that is, it is directed at this fan

2. Analysis is not the same as entering the market. After reading this post, you need to know whether you are in this trading cycle. If not, then this analysis is useless to you. You trade for one minute or 15 minutes, and you complain that my analysis is inaccurate. They are not on the same channel at all. How can they be right? So don't be a nitpicker. What cycle do you need? Come to me next week and I will analyze it for you. OK?

3. My analysis should not be the main one, but should be a supplement. If our analysis happens to match, then it is great. If it does not match, my own analysis should be the main one. Trading requires independence. Do not give your money to anyone to make decisions.

4. The above does not constitute investment advice. You are responsible for your own profits and losses.

5. Sorry for not posting on Monday. I've been busy these days. Please forgive me. You can also think from another perspective. I'm a free analyst, so don't be so harsh on me. Hahahaha

Brothers who need analysis, come next Monday.