This morning, the buzz about unlocking the token of $STRK made many people worried.

So let me explain to you because this is basic knowledge that everyone must know when playing coins.

First, let's look at the vesting chart of $STRK as of today.

- First: the part circled in red is the number of tokens that have appeared but have not been circulated on the market, meaning they are still locked. These tokens are usually reserved for reserve purposes, DAO voting, hst development...

Usually, this type of token vesting chart will be accompanied by the symbol TBD (arrow) and represented by diagonal lines.

- Second: The green circled part is the number of tokens that have been completely unlocked and are circulating on the market, adding up to about 847m and this is the standard circulation, not the number 1.14B like on CMC or Binance.

On the vesting chart, tokens of this type are represented in solid colors, without any patterns.

In fact, only 8.48% of token $STRK has been unlocked and circulated on the market.

Therefore, if you keep your hands on the chosen product, have knowledge and faith, it will be very difficult to lose.

Source: Twitter Don't Swing Top