The last chance to get on board, Bitcoin and Ethereum will hit a record high. Which coins will be followed next?

From the daily trend of Bitcoin, the K-line rebound is close to the previous high again, almost releasing the locked chips above. The market is bullish, and the volume is amplified during the pull-up process. With the return of MACD to the zero axis, it will definitely break through 74,000 in the future and hit a new record high. In the short term, BTC will be adjusted to around 69,000. You can add spot positions in batches and cherish the last chance to get on board

The Ethereum ETF has turned around and finally made the always cowardly Ethereum proud. Yesterday, the price once rushed to 3,700, and the ETH/BTC exchange rate also exceeded 0.052. Although it has fallen back now, it still remains above 0.051. There is a game here for ETF. If it passes on the 23rd, it will be a good thing. If it does not pass on the 23rd, it will be a bad thing. I always feel that according to this logic, there will be a big fluctuation after the 23rd. Whether it passes or not, it will pass sooner or later according to the Bitcoin ETF idea, but after the 23rd, it will be the time for Ethereum to get on board. If it fails, there will definitely be a big shock. Then we need to buy in batches near or below 3680. If it passes, we will directly pull it up. Generally speaking, it is much safer to step back to the support level before entering. After all, chasing the rise is the easiest thing.

At present, 99% of Bitcoin holding addresses are in a profitable state; 90% of Ethereum holding addresses are in a profitable state. Only a very small number of people are still trapped. After a while, as the prices of Bitcoin and Ethereum hit new historical highs, these current currency holding addresses can achieve profits. In the big bull market, Bitcoin and Ethereum will not let anyone down.

The trend of most cottages in the past two days is synchronized with Ethereum. The situation and market of cottage rotation are coming soon. There are currently two main lines. One is the MEME sector, which includes PEPE, BONK, and PEOPLE, and the other is the ETH ecosystem, ENS, ETHFI, ARB, OP, and LDO.

At present, $PEPE has completely become the leader of this year, and is expected to break out of the previous doge and shibi model, so it is necessary to pay attention to it. In addition, people and other key points are also concerned. The US election is about the rights of the people, so this kind of meme may continue to be fomo by the market.

Finally, I want to say that holding on, holding firmly, in the long run, making money is not a difficult thing~ pepe continues the pattern, some people have ten times, and those who enter below 7 have also doubled. The main thing is to hold firmly, and the market will give you a result!At present, the big bull has not come yet, only Pepe, a 10x B, has come out. There will be many Bs with more than 10 times in the future. As long as you can hold the currency, do not operate randomly and keep up with the rhythm, all the lost profits will be earned back for you!

Some people always dare not operate in the bear market, hesitate slowly in the rise, and chase high to enter the game at the top. Every time, I try my best to make everyone think and operate against human nature. I dare not say that it is all right, but the accuracy of the general direction is very high. As for whether you can trust me in the end and whether you can keep up, it depends on yourself.

Only use strength to speak and reflect with value! Take you to accurately control the points and grasp the profits. When the currency market is good, you can make money no matter how you play, but you must clearly know that the currency market will not always be good! ! ! When to buy and when to sell in the currency circle, this is important. If you want to get higher returns, the choice is yours, and the choice is greater than hard work!


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