In the summer 8 years ago, I was introduced to this industry by a friend. The lecturer of the business school was quite eloquent. The biggest temptation was of course USDT!

At that time, I completely trusted him to do quantitative work. For an industry that I didn’t understand at all, the only thing I could rely on was the trust of my friend. Don’t guess that I didn’t dare to tell my family after losing more than 400,000 yuan. My elderly parents would definitely not be able to bear it. Later, I was unwilling to learn K-line technology. First, I learned kinetic energy. I had many doubts in the middle of the operation and still lost money. I went back to school and reviewed again.

It’s no exaggeration to say that I have done contract operations tens of thousands of times, from fast losses to slow losses to no losses, to starting to make money and encountering extreme market conditions, but still losing money and can’t solve it! I heard that the entanglement theory is very NB. I tried to learn it. It’s too profound. I studied it for half a year and still have the fur (self-study). I want to give up, but I won’t admit defeat. I never timid when I practiced boxing! I didn’t go downstairs for three months on the second floor of my hometown in the countryside. My father brought me all the food. When I took out what I learned, I was really amazed, especially for the grasp of the trend. It’s time to accept the test of the market.

At my peak, I used 18U to reach 1600U in one and a half months. I know that many people will not believe it, and some people will ask me to send the actual market and profit chart. Only those who are engaged in this industry around me know that I am not bragging. If I lose, I lose, and if I make money, I make money. It is no exaggeration to say that I have recovered the more than 400,000 yuan I lost when I first started, and I have made more than 600,000 yuan because I have paid off all my loans and mortgages. In addition, my children's lives, as well as the retirement of my parents and my wife's parents are all borne by me alone. Maybe I have no fighting spirit before. My burden is too heavy. Gradually, a steady and steady situation has formed, allowing me to explore a set of steady progress that belongs to me. I am also grateful for this platform, which has also allowed me to meet dozens of my suitors. So when I make orders and analyze the market, the moment I give the password, I will think that they follow me and the pressure is the same as me. I cherish money very much. If I blindly follow and lose, I will be very angry. When you understand the importance of money, and you are not particularly helpless, you will know how important it is. Steady progress is the most secure and least dangerous method of the contract.I am actually the best at spot trading. I usually make spot trading arrangements because people who play spot trading are smart and can make the most money. Of course, you have to understand that your positions must keep up with your quality of life. Only then do you have a reason to choose spot trading! #热门内容