Meet true love on Momo? They cheat you out of buying coins! (From

On February 7, 2024, the victim (female, 50 years old) met a male netizen who claimed to be in the financial business on the "Momo" dating app and chatted with each other.

During the chat, the other party said that he was a staff member of a Hong Kong consortium and sent life videos and photos from time to time to confuse the victim.

Seeing that the victim no longer doubted, he said that he had inside information and could lead the victim to invest in international Bitcoin. The victim opened a fake investment platform called "AMATAK" according to the URL link provided by the other party, and invested more than one million yuan in fake USDT coins through Alipay transfer.

On March 14, when the victim was about to withdraw cash, the customer service said that he had to pay taxes for the withdrawal. He began to suspect that he was cheated, so he called the police for help.

Victims: People who like to follow the trend and take risks in investment, mostly women.

Key points for prevention: You are making friends, and he is attracting traffic. There are many traps in netizen recommendations, so be wary of investment information from informal channels.

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