🌌🌌A gamble, important guidance🌌🌌


DOGE current analysis ideas:

🔔🔔🔔1-2-4 hour level is long, focus daily long and short price: 0.15523, near this position, if it can effectively stand above the current price, the general direction is still bullish.

🔔🔔🔔The upper target position is: 0.15679-0.15930-0.16320.

🔔🔔🔔If you cannot break through the antenna long and short prices, pay attention to the risk of going short. The target below is around the three positions of 0.15298-0.15133-0.14960.

🔔🔔🔔Market elites! Remember, contracts are risky, orders must be made with caution, and hard work leads to poverty in the currency circle!


US Bitcoin spot ETF has increased its holdings by a total of 22,511 BTC in the past 7 days

Odaily Planet Daily News According to HODL15Capital monitoring, in the past 7 days, the US Bitcoin spot ETF has increased its holdings by a total of 22,511 BTC, equivalent to 50 days of supply.


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