It’s difficult, very difficult... everyone expects growth, but no one prepared for it. ENA will return to the values ​​from which we previously expected 30–40% growth, now we will wait again. We need to prove that this is the hit of the season, this year's top such as NEAR; Why give PENDLE to everyone? And what consoles do you play on? 🎮🕹️ Do you prefer 8-bit consoles or modern ones? Or are you a fan of 16-bit gaming systems? And what games do you like to play? Which generation of console is the oldest for you? Let's do this, the Ethena season will end, and with some of this money you can open a store for consoles (retro and modern). Who comes to play? What ENA values ​​are we expecting? 1 or more? Anyone want 4? #ethena #ena #near #pendle #saturn