The blockchain sector of the US stock market has plummeted, and the index tonight is interesting! Friends who haven't understood the market can read this article!

I looked at the two good news released last night today, and none of them have been confirmed, so someone deliberately hyped the news last night. And yesterday, the US stock market should have been these two pieces of news that caused the Bitcoin sector to rise sharply. Today, the blockchain sector of the US stock market began to fall sharply at the opening, and it is not ruled out that there will be a break and fall, although Lao Deng was bullish in the early stage. But it is not ruled out that today's long-term market will appear. Lao Deng was greedy in yesterday's strategy, and he almost stopped profit, and then he gave the longs a wave of stop loss!

Today, conservatively speaking, there will be a wave of callbacks, so friends who are long should pay attention to their positions. It is common sense that the shorts are all out, which is bad news. So Lao Deng will not make a strategy tonight, and the general direction is bearish.

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