🥕 Oxygen - Mining $OXY coin for free on Telegram (Polygon Chain)

🟣 Big guy $Polygon officially joined the scratching race on Telegram 😆

Dig $OXY (Oxygen) free. Expected list in quarter 3 - 2024

👌 Link to join: https://t❤️me/oxygenminerbot?start=1345094660 (copy the link into your browser, remember to replace ❤️ with a .)

➡️ Click "Collect Food" to harvest carotes every hour

➡️ Click to open the gold chest to receive Token or boost rewards (once a day)

Some other features

➡️ Go to the "Task" section and do the quest to earn $OXY and Chests

➡️ "Boots" section to upgrade and increase farming speed

➡️ The "Refs" section gets the invite link

➡️ Section "Wallet" Save the wallet key

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