Web3 gaming project Gala Game was exploited by an unknown attacker who mined 5 Billion GALA, worth more than $200 million. The security incident has been contained and the affected wallet has been frozen. 🚨🔒

The team stated that this abuse was an isolated incident and that law enforcement agencies were engaged to identify the culprit. It was stated that the attacker could create another 12 billion tokens before exceeding the maximum limit. However, the exploited address was blocked, preventing it from taking any further actions.

Gala Games CEO Eric Schiermeyer announced that unauthorized access to the GALA contract was identified within 45 minutes and was secured and removed by the team. However, this action did not prevent GALA's price from falling 20% ​​on May 21. The token has since become stable.

Schiermeyer acknowledged that Gala Games failed to implement appropriate internal controls, which should not have caused this unfortunate incident. The CEO stated that they are working closely with the FBI, Department of Justice and international authorities to identify the culprit behind the attack and address the issue.