✌️Summary: Blockchain is like a string of buns connected together.

1️⃣ [Bun stuffing = data], each bun is wrapped with stuffing, just like the blocks in the blockchain are wrapped with data (such as transaction data).

2️⃣ [Bun skin = encryption], the bun skin protects the stuffing from being directly seen by people, and similarly, blockchain uses encryption technology to protect data from being easily tampered with.

3️⃣ [Making buns = mining], the process of making buns is mining, and the chef (miner) needs to work (computing power) to make buns (new blocks). For each successful bun, the chef will be rewarded with some tips. (Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies are rewarded in the blockchain)

4️⃣ [Bun string = blockchain], finally, we string the buns together one by one, just like a blockchain formed by blocks connected one by one.

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