#区块链安全快讯# The latest data from SlowMist shows that the total loss caused by security incidents in the crypto field last week (May 13-19) exceeded 28 million US dollars 😱! Including pump.fun, TCH, fake Notcoin, Sonne Finance, BlockTower Capital, ALEX Lab, Predy Finance and other projects have been attacked or have vulnerabilities, and the amount of losses ranges from tens of thousands of dollars to tens of millions of dollars. Among them, Sonne Finance lost up to 20 million US dollars due to flash loan attacks, and ALEX Lab lost 4.3 million US dollars due to private key leaks. In addition, Equalizer Exchange is investigating potential attacks and recommends that users temporarily avoid using the front end. Everyone must pay attention to risks in investment and protect their assets! Do you have any good preventive measures to share? Welcome to talk in the comment area!