Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, is expecting 100 times profits from their new crypto project, known as Not Coin. Whether these expectations are realistic or not depends on several key factors:

1. **Technological Innovation**: Does Not Coin offer significant innovation compared to other cryptos? If so, this could attract a lot of interest.

2. **User Adoption**: Telegram has a large user base. If Not Coin can be seamlessly integrated and widely used by Telegram users, it could increase its value significantly.

3. **Regulation and Compliance**: The success of crypto projects is also greatly influenced by how regulations in various countries support or hinder the adoption of this technology.

4. **Crypto Market**: The overall condition of the crypto market also plays a big role. Bullish market movements can support Not Coin's rise in value, while bearish markets can provide challenges.

5. **Marketing and Implementation Strategy**: How well Not Coin is marketed and implemented will also influence its acceptance in the market.

Although there is huge potential due to support from Telegram, achieving 100x profits is a very ambitious goal and cannot be guaranteed. This success will largely depend on the perfect execution of the various aspects mentioned above.