In the bull market, BTC suddenly returned to 71,000, breaking the false rumors of the death of the leeks!

Since the last CPI was released, market information has recovered and has been showing strong bullish sentiment.

This time the bull returned.


1. The US SEC requires exchanges to speed up the update of 19b-4 applications. Analysts say that the probability of approval of the spot Ethereum ETF has increased to 75%

2. Fed Daly: There is no evidence of any need to raise interest rates.

3. The leader of the Democratic House of Representatives of the United States said that he would not oppose the encryption bill FIT21

4. ETH spot ETF continues to apply,

5. Europe cut interest rates and released some water.

However. ,

From the market alone, referring to last year's Bitcoin ETF, the halving of Bitcoin is the same. Looking at the reduction of large-scale market holdings, it is useless to wait and see. Later, it was slowly discovered that the news was useless. You can't just hold the oil in your hand and not trade, so the market slowly regained confidence. Trading volume soared.

Studying the market, respecting the market, and holding fewer contracts are the right way for a bull market.

The bull market is back, and the copycat market is making up for the rise. It is also the time when Brother Dao said there will be a wave of copycat season in mid-May. If you like spot, you can continue to ambush with me.

At present, the bull market is surging, and we have the opportunity to share passwords every day.

As I said, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar and follow me. Bull market spot planning, contract passwords, free sharing.

I need fans, you need references. It’s better to follow than to guess.

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #ETH #BTC #以太坊ETF批准预期