You can never make money beyond your cognition. The sooner you know this truth, the better.

We can never make money beyond your cognition, unless you rely on luck, but the money earned by luck will often be lost by strength in the end. This is inevitable. Every penny you earn is the realization of your cognition of the world, and every penny you lose is because your cognition of the world is flawed. Therefore, the greatest fairness in this world is that when a person's wealth is greater than his cognition, this society will have a hundred ways to harvest you until your cognition and wealth match.

It is said that "the only way to relieve worries is to get rich suddenly", but getting rich suddenly is something you can encounter but not seek, unless you win millions in the lottery, or your home is suddenly demolished and you become a rich household.

Most people in the world still make money by their own knowledge and ability, and very few can rely on luck.

Just like the stock god Buffett, the profit of an investment can be said to be good luck, but can the long-term annual return be maintained at more than 20% by luck? This is closely related to his "cognition" of the stock market. Ma Yun's success is not just based on luck, but also on the grasp of timing and a certain understanding of market development. Otherwise, even if the opportunity comes, without that understanding, you will not be able to see it or grasp it.