As I said, the short-selling market has already appeared‼ ️ETH long orders have allowed everyone to enter the market three times in a row‼ ️The biggest surge in history has arrived, with a surge of 20% overnight, an increase of up to 700 points‼ ️

The long orders have been closed. The original plan to stop profit at 3500 has been mentioned in the previous article. The long orders entered at 2980 and saw 35000, and the long orders completed the stop profit‼ ️There will definitely be a wave of callbacks later, no matter how much the surge is later, a callback will definitely be needed‼ ️Because there will be more retail investors chasing the long fomo

It is necessary to clear the stop losses of these retail investors chasing the long fomo, so that many orders are successfully taken, and the second wave of long orders is waiting to enter‼ ️#以太坊ETF批准预期 #机构积极投资比特币ETF #BTC走势分析 $BTC