📢📢News in the blockchain industry! According to on-chain analyst Ember, 4 hours ago, a mysterious 0x67c whale deposited 6,400 ETH into Aave as collateral, borrowed up to 15 million USDC, and then bought 4,344 ETH at $3,453. 🐳🐳

And that's not all! The whale, who previously achieved a 22.7x return on ETH (an astonishing $59 million), started buying ETH again 3 hours ago. He used 10 million DAI to buy 2,847 ETH at $3,512. 💰💰

It seems that this whale is full of confidence in ETH and is also optimistic about Bitcoin. This undoubtedly brings a new vitality to the market. Although we remain neutral on the market, our optimism about Bitcoin remains unchanged. 🚀🚀

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