DeFi Data

1. Total market value of DeFi tokens: $88.61 billion

DeFi total market value Data source: coingecko

2. The trading volume of decentralized exchanges in the past 24 hours was $4.30 billion

The transaction volume of decentralized exchanges in the past 24 hours. Data source: coingecko

3. Assets locked in DeFi: $94.437 billion

The top ten rankings of DeFi projects with locked assets and locked-in amounts. Data source: defillama

NFT Data

1. Total NFT market value: $4.515 billion

NFT total market value, top ten projects by market value Data source: Coinmarketcap

2. 24-hour NFT trading volume: $2.278 billion

NFT total market value, top ten projects by market value Data source: Coinmarketcap

3. Top NFTs in 24 hours

Top 10 NFTs with the highest sales growth in 24 hours Data source: NFTGO


Xianyu prohibits the release of digital collectibles and has taken measures to remove them from the shelves

On May 20, Xianyu released an announcement on May 17 regarding the special governance of digital collection-related products. It stated that due to recent public opinions exposing the frequent occurrence of false propaganda, transaction fraud, illegal fundraising and other risks in digital collection transactions, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of users, maintain the healthy ecology of the Xianyu community, and prevent financial risks, from now on, the release of digital collection-related products in the Xianyu community will be prohibited, and digital collection-related products will be removed from the shelves.

NFT Hot Spots

1.BEVM will take a snapshot of Whitepaper NFT holders on May 23

On May 20, Bitcoin L2 project BEVM will take a snapshot of Whitepaper NFT holders at 8:00 am Beijing time on May 23. Users need to connect the EVM address through a cross-chain transaction on the official cross-chain. BEVM Whitepaper NFT and OGNFT holders will claim a certain number of ORDINALS-RUNES tokens based on their activities in the BEVM network.

2. Over Protocol will start witch detection this week, and Nethers NFT holders will receive airdrops

On May 20, the L1 project Over Protocol posted on the X platform that "Wyrm Detection" will begin this week. If the witch detection is passed, members who contribute to OverWallet and OverNode will receive airdrops, and users who own Nethers NFT will receive airdrops.

DeFi Hotspot

1. Manta Network launches Manta CeDefi, a product combining CeFi and DeFi

On May 20, Manta Network launched a new product, Manta CeDefi, which combines CeFi and DeFi to provide users with institutional-level security and higher yield opportunities. Manta CeDefi cooperates with Ceffu (formerly Binance Custody) to allow users to receive parallel rewards from CeFi arbitrage.

2. Astar Network launches Web3 developer platform Astar Studio

On May 20, Astar Network announced the launch of Astar Studio, a Web3 developer platform, which provides a “developer console” solution to simplify the development process. Developers building on Astar zkEVM can obtain $200,000 worth of Astar Studio credits.

3. OKX Ventures announces strategic investment in Bitcoin Layer 2 network Bitlayer

On May 20, OKX Ventures announced the completion of a strategic investment in Bitlayer. Bitlayer will build a Bitcoin Layer 2 that is equivalent to Bitcoin security and Turing-complete based on the BitVM paradigm. At the end of April, Bitlayer launched the $50 million developer reward event Ready Player One. Dora Yue, founder of OKX Ventures, said that Bitcoin's native design guarantees a decentralized, trustless and highly secure peer-to-peer transaction system. OKX Ventures laid out Bitcoin's infrastructure in the early days, such as the application of Rollup and Stacks expansion solutions and Bitcoin's DeFi innovation. Bitlayer is positioned as the Bitcoin computing layer. Its characteristics are that it adopts the framework design of BitVM's verification on the off-chain computing chain, combined with DLC (Discreet Log Contract) to achieve a trustless two-way cross-chain bridge. Bitlayer inherits the high security advantage of the Bitcoin network and is also compatible with multiple virtual machine environments including EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine). Bitlayer mainnet V1 version was launched in April, supporting EVM-compatible environments and two-way cross-chain for mainstream assets.

4. PENDLE breaks through $5.3

Golden Finance reported that the market showed that PENDLE broke through $5.3 and is now quoted at $5.24, with a 24-hour increase of 7.0%. The market is volatile, so please do a good job of risk control.

5. The key vote for the approval of Ethereum spot ETF may come from Gary Gensler

Golden Finance reported that based on previous historical experience, the fate of the Ethereum spot ETF may be determined by a vote by Gary Gensler, chairman of the U.S. SEC, this week. In January of this year, the approval of the Bitcoin spot ETF was handled by a group of five commissioners. Two cryptocurrency industry-friendly commissioners, Hester Pierce and Mark Uyeda, voted to approve the ETF, while commissioners Caroline Crenshaw and Jaime Lizárraga voted against. Gensler also ultimately voted in favor, and many industry insiders believe that his vote ultimately ensured the approval of the spot Bitcoin ETF. The ETF was approved on January 10, 2024 with a 3-2 vote.

Game Hotspot

1. Web3 game Layer3 Sanko GameCorp mainnet based on Arbitrum Orbit is now online

Golden Finance reported that the mainnet of Web3 game Layer3 Sanko GameCorp based on Arbitrum Orbit has been launched. Its token DMT has also been migrated to the Sanko Layer3 network. It is reported that Arbitrum Orbit technology allows development teams to create their own dedicated chain, which will be settled on one of Arbitrum's Layer2 (L2) chains: Arbitrum One, Arbitrum Nova or Arbitrum Goerli. These Orbit chains provide teams with unique channels, ensure the reliability of Gas prices for their end users, and allow fees to be charged using any custom tokens.

2. Japanese manga "Captain Tsubasa" game launched on Oasys blockchain

On May 20, the blockchain version of the Japanese football manga series "Captain Tsubasa" was officially launched on the game-centric blockchain Oasys. The game was developed by Mint Town, Co., Ltd. and BLOCKSMITH & Co. (a subsidiary of mobile game giant KLab Inc.) and allows players to cultivate and collect NFTs of characters in the original series.

Disclaimer: As a blockchain information platform, Golden Finance publishes articles for information reference only and is not intended as actual investment advice. Please establish a correct investment philosophy and be sure to raise your risk awareness.