Today is 520, everyone is celebrating the festival, and Bitcoin is not volatile. Are you going to wait until the battle starts to get intense? Bitcoin and Ethereum have been going back and forth these past two days. Anyway, after making a profit, you can take a stop-profit and eat the profit back and forth, which means you are constantly making money. The current market does not allow for a big picture, and no one knows what will happen in the next second. For the coin unfi, I looked at the cycle. The lowest point in three months was around 19 yuan, and the highest was 66 yuan. At present, it is 35 yuan, which can go up or down, but it has broken the three-month high of 66 yuan and has adjusted back, which means that sooner or later it will go to around 20. At that time, the spot can be bought, and the contract is of course a short-term band, ordi I also looked at it. The highest of the three-month line is around 690 yuan, and the lowest of the three-month line is around 220. However, the new coin has no bottom line to its new low and new high. It either breaks the new high or falls below the new low. They are all pulling up to sell. If you have a lot of money, just look at the old cottage. If you have little money, speculate on new coins, hot coins, and sub-new coins.