Can you make money by trading? What is the essence of trading? Let me talk about my understanding of trading.

Among many industries, some seem to have a low threshold but a very rich income. If you can accumulate a certain amount of professional experience, your life will be more relaxed and comfortable. For such industries, excluding crosstalk, trading has these characteristics, which is also the original intention of my choice to enter this industry.

However, as time flies, I gradually realize that what I pursue is not only economic benefits. On the one hand, I already have a stable income: on the other hand, my interest in exploring trading is getting stronger. The emotional bond with the trading industry has gradually deepened, and I have experienced the ups and downs and changes in the growth process of entering the industry, as if it is a symphony of ice and fire. Now when I think back, there is always a faint smile on the corners of my mouth, and I am more calm and calm. Only occasionally when I dream at midnight, I will let out a sigh.

When I first entered this industry, an experienced senior told me that this market situation is like love. At first, both sides were full of passion and impulse, but as time went on, various contradictions gradually emerged, hindering the in-depth development of both sides. Even if you are together in the end, you will face many disagreements and disharmony. After truly understanding this "emotion", you will find that the true meaning of life lies in plainness rather than passion. Plainness is the truth, which is the wisdom we must have in the market.

At the important decision-making moment in life, the right choice has immeasurable value. The enlightenment of my trading career came from the study of indicators, however, this also became the main source of my confusion in the early stage. During that period, I almost obsessively studied various indicators, but despite great efforts, I often gained little. I even tried to understand indicator programming in depth, but the results were not ideal. Even so, the best result was only to achieve a break-even or a slight profit. However, trading is a protracted battle, not a temporary accidental result. Therefore, I don't know why I make a profit, and I don't know why I lose money. It's like an outsider who can never really step into the field of trading.

Fortunately, after experiencing many painful experiences of losses and liquidation, I realized the importance of risk management.Since then, in subsequent research, I have always put risk control first. Now it seems that this concept also forms the basis of my current trading system.

After deeply understanding the importance of risk, I was fortunate to find a key breakthrough in the fog of trading life. During my study tour, I was fortunate to meet a senior predecessor, whose words and deeds had a profound impact on me. Because of my outstanding performance in risk control, this predecessor became interested in me, and my diligence and humility also prompted us to have more exchanges. I still remember his teachings clearly: "Why not study naked K directly? Just studying a person's clothes cannot fully understand his inner self. You must communicate directly with this person to understand his life." This sentence flashed through my mind like a flash of lightning, dispelling the fog that had troubled me for many years.

Therefore, I stepped into the field of naked K research, and the close contact with the market situation enabled me to find my own path faster. The value of this sentence cannot be measured in money. It has guided me in the field of trading and has profoundly influenced my life principles. Here, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to this predecessor. It was his guidance that gave me real enlightenment and understanding.

So now if someone asks me the fastest way out of the fog in trading, I will tell him without hesitation that it is naked K!
