In 24 years, how can ordinary people quickly turn over in the cryptocurrency circle, make a fortune, and make a lot of money? Let me tell you first, if you are someone who wants to invest 100 yuan today and make 10,000 yuan or 100,000 yuan tomorrow, it is really not suitable for you.

The most realistic problem in the cryptocurrency circle is that this should be the only opportunity for most of us ordinary people to achieve overtaking in a corner in our lifetime. There is no other opportunity. This is an opportunity given to us by the times. Now all industries and tracks have been monopolized by capital giants. If you want to rely on technology and your mind to leverage greater wealth opportunities, the possibility is very, very low. So choice is greater than hard work. Getting up and working every day will not make you rich, but will only satisfy your basic needs.

What we do is to make a small fortune, and the cryptocurrency circle just gave us this opportunity. I personally feel that, well, the cryptocurrency circle is the last chance for us poor people, so friends who want to make money must seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This may be the only opportunity for us ordinary people to change our fate, and it may be fleeting this time. How can you not be expensive if you often hang around in the cryptocurrency circle? There are so many opportunities to get rich in the cryptocurrency circle. Of course, there are also so many pitfalls. Especially in the cryptocurrency circle, there are so many masters. Naturally, there are always competitions and battles. There is no shortage of stories of getting rich quickly. Last year's Binance vs. FTX incident also killed many big names in the industry, such as the 90s god comrade with curly hair and afro who died heroically. Newcomers, especially those whose hair has not grown out, don't even know what to do.

After seeing the successful counterattack cases of losers on TV or APP, the group of people who just entered the circle felt that they were the protagonists of the story. They fantasized that if they entered the market with 100 yuan, at least they could add a few more zeros to the end. For example, the following person, 30,000 yuan turned into 15 million in a month. Is it possible? Is it realistic? If you have moved bricks on a construction site, you know that this thing is pure nonsense.

If you believe in movies, novels, and screenshots, there is actually no difference between you and those cute little ones. It is really very difficult for ordinary people to get rich in the cryptocurrency circle. Even if you are Sun Wukong who has descended to the earth, if you encounter a sickle, you will stretch your neck and let them cut you.A very popular movie, "Kuang Biao", Gao Qiqiang's words only live in the TV series. In reality, you have to kneel down when you should kneel down. Well, old friends all know. In my opinion, in the currency circle, except for hoarding coins, all other ways are crooked. If you die, it's just a matter of time. Ordinary people like us can smoke one pack less cigarettes every month, take a little extra money, take a little spare money, and follow the big group to hoard coins. On the way to hoarding coins, you can just tell those who play contracts to get out, those who do private placements to get out, and those who do short-term trading to get out. Except for hoarding coins, you can talk to me, and all others are hooliganism. How to hoard coins in the currency circle? If you are a newcomer, just recognize the boss Bitcoin when you meet it. Don't listen to other people's nonsense, my coin is a hundred times, and the future will be a ten thousand times coin, etc. These things are all things that will kill you. Of course, if you want to develop in the currency circle for a long time, you must copy it later, and then put most of your money into copycat coins. How to choose copycats and how to arrange assets? When to build a position? When to exit the position? If you have enough funds, how should you operate? If you have less funds, how should you operate? In a word, in the currency circle, if ordinary people want to make money, you can just hoard coins.

There are really people who are better than you. There is a friend who has bought his house and got more than 2,000 W to enter the B circle, and then asked specifically, what coins to buy, how to invest? What coins should be hoarded. If you are a newcomer, you can just identify the big cake. Believe me, if you hold the big cake today, you will not be able to eat it all tomorrow. If you want a little excitement, it is recommended to take some altcoins, but the proportion of big cakes must be the highest, because it can keep you alive at the critical moment. The choice of altcoins is also a very test of experience and market cognition. If you can't do it, it is recommended that you give up directly. Well, many friends may ask, then when will I sell it after I buy it? Before talking about this question, think carefully, has your family's ancestral tomb ever emitted green smoke, or, have your ancestors ever produced prime ministers or generals? Or, have any of your ancestors ever been a great man who could kick Ultraman or punch Sun Wukong?If you don't have any of these, it means that you don't have a good ancestor to bless you to make a fortune in the cryptocurrency circle.

You need to get rid of the idea that I can buy at the bottom, buy at the lowest price, and sell at the highest price. If you can complete the position building in the bear market, you can outperform 99% of people, provided that the coins you buy will not return to zero. In other words, if you buy in the bear market, it is OK to sell at any time in the bull market. The most scientific method is to buy 40% according to the price in your mind, and then add positions on dips to lower the cost, buy more when the price drops sharply, buy less when the price drops slightly, and buy more when the price drops sharply. Some people may say that if the price rises, you don't have to buy it, and the money will not be lost. Anyway, we have 40% of the bottom position, so what are we worried about? When the bull market comes, we can sell it.

The same principle applies to selling and buying. We all need to place orders in batches, 40% of the psychological price, and the rest will be slowly sold. There may be people who ask when the bull market will start. Don't worry, the news media will tell you when the bull market will start. There will be overwhelming news that Bitcoin has broken through the dollar, created a new historical high, and so on. Next, I will give some suggestions and opinions to some new friends.

If you don't know how to screen strong coins, I suggest you follow me. Whether it is spot or contract, a slight move may be your limit. The opportunity is short, so you must seize it! Success is not based on luck, choice is greater than hard work, and the circle determines destiny. In the currency circle, in addition to having a sharp eye for judging the situation, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. Follow me and you will be halfway successful in the currency circle! Every day

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