Bitcoin's weekend trend is in line with expectations, with small fluctuations. Today, the small downward spike was withdrawn, and the bulls began to gradually wake up. The trend of the daily line has reversed, but it will not explode immediately. It will slowly move upward until there is a major positive stimulus, and the daily line will begin to accelerate. If it can fall back to 63,000-65,000 in the short term, it will be a good low-absorption range in the short term. Recently, sol has performed significantly better than the market and ether, so you can focus on sol and sol ecological tokens in the near future.

Ethereum has risen step by step. Although it is not very strong, it is better than falling. Now do you start to miss Ethereum below 3,000? Remember, Ethereum's big move has not been released yet. Ethereum will not be bad in this bull market!

Sol is too awesome. It is different with the support of white pigs. At this time, whoever is strong must fight. Sol will break through the new high in the short term at this speed, and 260-300 in the medium term! In the long term, it will be more than 500!

Next, we will focus on the sol ecosystem and the meme sector. For the sol ecosystem, Lao Li is optimistic about jto and jup, and for the meme sector, he is optimistic about people, myro, and bome.

As I said before, it is a good time node recently, and those who haven't laid out yet should hurry up! ! !

If you don't know what to do, just flirt with me (free of charge)

#Megadrop #ETH #BTC #Megadrop #5月市场关键事件