Today's funds: 8141 U, 2024.5.20

The funds have dropped to 8141 U. I have been using C2C or withdrawing U in the past few days. I want to withdraw a few hundred or 1,000 U to increase my position in Faraday Future. I want to take a chance and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle.

The cryptocurrency market is relatively calm. There are no hot spots or waves. I really hope that these Us I withdraw can really bet a hundred or a thousand times in other places, but it should be difficult to make money. For example, Faraday Future in the US stock market, I personally am optimistic about it. The year before last, I opened a US stock account just to buy this stock. I bought one stock in the US stock account and wanted to bet a hundred or a thousand times. In the end, I lost 99%, and more than 1,500 U was left with 10 U. In the end, this ticket has risen 100 times recently, and I didn't make much money, but I added to my position again. Only by adding to my position can I win back. Unfortunately, I didn't seize the opportunity when it rose 100 times. Fortunately, I still have a chance.

After careful consideration, I still want to take a chance. I will hold it for a few months. Maybe it will increase by dozens or hundreds of times. I have more than 3,000 U, and it can increase to more than 100,000 U. I am excited to think about it. I will be rich now.

The principal is really the key to success or failure. The principal is too important. If I don’t have the principal to increase my position in Faraday Future now, I will have no chance, I will be out of the market, and I will be off the stage. I am not qualified.

I have been raising U recently. In order to be safe and stable, I have stopped profit on the ondn contract. The currency circle will wait for the wind to come for the time being.