🎢 The full secrets of the KOL factions in the cryptocurrency circle: Which faction do you belong to?

The cryptocurrency circle is surging, and various KOLs (opinion leaders) are emerging one after another. Today, let's take a look at what unique styles these KOLs have! Which faction do you belong to? 👇

1️⃣ Crazy and manic faction: Sometimes they shout that Ethereum will fall to 800, and sometimes Bitcoin will fall to 10,000, and their remarks are full of mania.

2️⃣ The last drop faction: No matter how many times it falls, I will always tell you that there is one last drop.

3️⃣ The beauty selfie faction: Ignore the ups and downs of the market, focus on taking pictures and videos, and the text part of the tweets can basically be ignored.

4️⃣ The awesome faction: often quote previous tweets and repeatedly ask you "Am I awesome?"

5️⃣ The real-time market statement faction: When Bitcoin falls by 3 points, he tweets "Bitcoin has fallen"; when Bitcoin stabilizes, he tweets "Bitcoin has stabilized."

6️⃣ Hot news real-time broadcasting faction: Whether it is the currency circle or the military hotspot, it is released at the first time, and the main feature is the repeater attribute.

7️⃣ If it falls, it will fall, and if it rises, it will rise: If it falls to 60,000, it will fall to 55,000, and if it rises to 65,000, it will rise to 70,000.

8️⃣ If it falls, it will rise, and if it rises, it will rise: Tell you to pay attention to risks when it rises, and tell you not to panic when it falls.

9️⃣ Chicken soup for the soul faction: Don't talk about the market, always copy and paste chicken soup for the soul, and teach you to see through the essence of the world.

🔟 Cult faction: There is a set of magical market remarks and theories of rise and fall, and they often stop talking halfway, letting you comprehend it yourself.

1️⃣1️⃣ K-line combat faction: Fight 24 hours a day to ensure victory in every battle.

1️⃣2️⃣ Soul-searching faction: Ask soul-searching questions to fans every day, such as "What should I do if I lose money again?"

1️⃣3️⃣ Forever-earning faction: Everyone knows it, so I won't repeat it.

💡 Summary: If you are interested in the cryptocurrency circle, but don't know where to start, you might as well follow my homepage introduction to find me, and arrange 100x coins together to explore the mysteries of the cryptocurrency circle and future possibilities. Let us discover more possibilities together in this market full of opportunities! 🚀

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