1️⃣Foreword: 🔔

POND coin, the native token in the#Marlinprotocol. Many people may not know much about it.

The purpose of the Marlin protocol is to improve the efficiency and scalability of blockchain network transactions, and its goal is to become the infrastructure of the Layer 0 blockchain.

2️⃣What is Marlin ($POND)?

Marlin is a protocol that provides super-fast networks for DeFi (decentralized finance) and Web3.0.

It has some nodes called "Metanodes" that run a software called MarlinVM, which provides a bunch of devices and interfaces for programmers, just like providing programmers with various different tools.

Marlin's goal is to provide users with a very powerful, ever-expanding network that maintains performance, decentralization, and security. By using MarlinVM, programmers can make blockchains easier to scale, establish more connections, provide anonymity in different networks, and develop various caching solutions.

It can also help miners, full nodes, and layer 0 users transmit blocks, transactions, and data faster, making applications used on the blockchain smoother and more convenient.

The core of the Marlin protocol is something called a relay node network, which uses some special techniques to communicate in order to perform well even when the network connection is not very good. Because it is compatible with a variety of different platforms, you can plug Marlin into your network at any time, and it can work with a variety of different consensus algorithms.

Marlin's mission is to provide the same speed as Web2 in Web3, but at the same time maintain decentralization and security. It tries to find solutions to increase the speed of blockchain from the most basic level, so as to improve the performance of the entire network.

Marlin’s native token, POND, can be used to pay fees, reward relay nodes, and can also be used to stake to become a relay node. As the community grows, POND has also become a governance token.

3️⃣Project background:

Marlin was founded by developers Siddhartha, Prateesh and Roshan who have extensive experience in peer-to-peer networks.

Siddhartha was responsible for developing Zilliqa, the first high-throughput blockchain to use sharding in production. He has also worked at Microsoft and Adobe and holds two US patents. Prateesh is a PhD student at MIT, where his research focuses on computer networks. Roshan is an avid open source enthusiast and contributor to the Boost C++ library.

The project has also hired former researchers from the Ethereum Foundation, world medalists from the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), and developers who have worked at companies such as Facebook, Cisco, and Bosch. Marlin's advisory team includes the former CEO of Bittorrent and professors from MIT and Princeton, including authors of seminal P2P papers such as Chord DHT. Marlin is backed by companies such as Binance Labs, Electric Capital, and Michael Arrington.

4️⃣Marlin core technical features

Marlin is committed to making blockchain networks faster and more powerful, becoming the cornerstone of the blockchain world. It solves the scalability problem of the public chain at Layer 0, mainly relying on the relay network and token incentive mechanism.

Relay network: Like a group of small messengers, Marlin nodes cooperate with each other to transmit data packets and send them to miners or full nodes according to regulations. There are various roles in this network, such as producers, receivers, relays, and clusters. Producers are usually miners, who gain the right to spread information by staking some native tokens (MPOND). Receivers need to pay a certain "subscription fee", and relayers will receive some POND as a reward. These relays will form clusters, and there will be some competition between different clusters.

Token incentive mechanism:

The native token of the Marlin network is POND, with a total of 10 billion. POND is the key to the smooth operation of the Marlin network. It can be used to pay fees, reward relay nodes, and encourage the emergence of audit nodes. To become a relay node, at least 1 million POND must be staked. Therefore, the Marlin network also has some penalty mechanisms to punish nodes that misbehave. MPOND (1 million POND) is the governance and token of Marlin, used to create proposals and vote. Each Marlin node requires a certain amount of support or delegation to operate.

5️⃣ Blockchain Scalability

Discussions on how to expand blockchain have been going on for a long time. Currently, there are several main directions:

Layer-1: This is a method of achieving expansion by changing the blocks and data on the blockchain, such as hard fork, sharding, segregated witness, etc. Ethereum 2.0 uses sharding technology, which is a typical layer-1 expansion method.

Layer-2: This is a way to achieve capacity expansion by building side chains, state channels and other structures outside the main chain. Bitcoin's Lightning Network and Ethereum's Ion Network are typical second-layer expansion methods.

Marlin calls its expansion plan Layer-0, which focuses on the processing of node communication links in the blockchain. In short, Marlin provides an on-chain solution, but what makes it different from other solutions is that it focuses on the speed of communication between nodes. This approach has a wider applicability and can be easily applied to different blockchains.

6️⃣Conclusion and suggestions

Finally, for investors, choosing POND coin as an investment also requires paying attention to the risk factors. Although POND coin has strong technology and background, like other cryptocurrencies, its price will be affected by market fluctuations.

Therefore, investors need to always pay attention to market trends and take effective risk management measures to reduce investment risks.