The big cake is shaky. Did the dog dealer ship over 520?

1. Yesterday, $BTC rushed to around 67800 and then fell back quickly. It is now above 66000. From the 1-hour K-line indicator, it has stabilized and will rise. The 4-hour indicator shows a short trend. The 12-hour daily level shows that it will enter the callback stage. Today is 520 Lover's Tribulation. You have to spend money to buy gifts for your lover! If you have money, you can pay it out. If you don't have money, you can only pay it out of your account. 😋

The clouds are rising and the sun is sinking. The storm is coming.

2. Bloomberg: The amount of donations from the crypto industry to the 2024 US election has reached 94 million US dollars, a record high, which is more than the 83 million US dollars donated during the previous election cycle in 2020. It is reported that most of the donations come from political action committees (PACs). In addition, Coinbase and Ripple Labs also contributed a lot of donations. The former donated 20.5 million US dollars and the latter donated 20 million US dollars.

3. After the Qingming Festival, the big cake and the cottage began to diverge, especially the big cake entered the callback stage, and most cottages had no chance. Even if the big cake positions are now in long positions, the retracement is within reasonable control. Holding big cake is the most defensive. When the market picks up, the big cake will pick up first. Only when the big cake picks up and there is an attack rise (technically setting a new high), the cottage will have a chance. $ETH

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