EOS ecosystem tends to be richer: RAM continues to be hot, exSat emerges

Speaking of the ecosystem, the most eye-catching EOS at present is EOS RAM and exSat.

EOS RAM is a resource on the EOS blockchain that is used to store smart contracts, account data and other blockchain-related information. In the EOS blockchain, RAM is a limited resource, so its supply is limited and needs to be obtained by purchase or lease. The price of RAM fluctuates according to market demand and supply, so the use of RAM on the EOS network needs to consider its cost and usage.

On December 17, 2023, the EOS ecosystem decided to stop RAM inflation on EOS, and the overall RAM was fixed at 390 GB. As a rigid consumable of the EOS ecosystem, the scarcity of EOA RAM has further increased, and a wave of RAM investment has been set off in the EOS ecosystem. The price of RAM once soared six times from its historical low.

As EOS RAM properties become closer to real-world land resources and can be traded freely like real estate, the role EOS RAM plays in the ecosystem and its role in promoting ecological diversification are becoming increasingly prominent.

For example, Upland, a well-known dApp on EOS, uses 6.7 GB to maintain its operation. The extensive use of Upland and similar dApps further amplifies the demand for RAM and strengthens the key role of RAM in the seamless functionality and expansion of the EOS network and dApps.

Another example is that NFTs on EOS EVM are becoming important RAM consumers. While these formats support a wide range of digital assets from unique collectibles to multi-purpose tokens, their operational efficiency still requires a large amount of RAM.

In order to better support the development of the ecosystem, the EOS Network Foundation has also launched a series of initiatives: on the one hand, EOS announced the launch of packaged RAM (WRAM) to improve the tradability of the asset; on the other hand, it made major updates to the RAM system, with features including transferable RAM, RAM logging and notifications, secure purchase of RAM through Buy RAM for Self, RAM tokenization on EOS, etc., further enhancing the flexibility, efficiency and overall practicality of EOS RAM.