[On Monday morning, I took on the heavy responsibility of the intersection of the week. How will this week play out? ]

2024.5.20 morning 8:50 BTC market analysis

Brothers, 520 morning, today is a good day, but the 2000 dollars of the big cake in the early morning pulled most of the cottage back to the relatively low position of the weekend pull-up. The recent market has no long-term patience, and it is necessary to bear the risk of short-term quilting. Therefore, it is still necessary to allocate positions in thinking, and not to change the purpose of funds after the operation! This will only lead to more and more uneven allocation of funds, thereby affecting your mentality!

BTC attention

Support 65500/63000/61500

Pressure is temporarily set at 67500 line

Breaking through the 67500 line will open up at least 5000 dollars of space. The idea remains unchanged. It is obvious that there is no momentum to break through and stabilize and continue to reach a new high on the weekend!

How is the momentum this week? It depends on the trend of incremental funds in the market, such as the buying power of major spot ETFs. If it is large enough, it can trigger a wave of chasing funds in the market!

Pay attention to Friday's low of 64567. As a key point below, if it falls below, it will announce the end of the weekend rebound, and then the demand for further testing will come out!

Operation: Short-term funds have become frightened birds recently, and fast entry and exit have become their characteristics. They are afraid of being trapped and afraid of missing out on the decline. It is unrealistic to buy the bottom and sell the top. Therefore, it is not wrong to recognize this reality, control positions, enter and exit in batches, and remain cautious, but you can't always bet heavily, because the tolerance rate of batches and warehouses is high, and heavy warehouses are basically 0 tolerance. If you lose once, you will lose everything!

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