Good morning to all friends in the cryptocurrency circle. A new week has begun. Today, the trend of Bitcoin is just one word: up! I clearly pointed out last week that Bitcoin will pull out another medium-large positive line this week. The purpose is very clear, which is to force a short squeeze!

Today, Monday, Bitcoin remained in a consolidation around 66k during the early Asian session. This fluctuation can be understood as refueling in the air, because the previous increase was obvious and rapid, and some profit-taking plates need to be digested!

Aren’t there many people bearish now? Aren’t there many people who sold early? Aren’t there many people who missed the opportunity and are now hesitating whether to chase?

Don’t worry, as long as these people don’t enter the market, there is no possibility of Bitcoin falling. Through last week’s trend, we can see that the current trend in the market still maintains a huge divergence. As long as the divergence continues, Bitcoin will continue to develop in the original direction until our goal is achieved.

In this round of rise, there will be a lot of people who missed the opportunity, but missing the opportunity is not terrible. What is terrible is that these people will chase the rise and enter the market, get stuck at a short-term high, and finally leave the market again!

Today is 520, I wish all lovers in the world to get married!

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