📢Good news! In his latest essay, Hong Kong SAR Financial Secretary Paul Chan revealed that more than 400 companies have settled in Hong Kong Cyberport in the past year, and the total number of corporate communities has exceeded 2,000, including 8 unicorn companies. 💼🚀

The total amount of initial financing for these companies exceeded 40.6 billion yuan, and the advantages of corporate communities in financial technology and third-generation Internet are particularly prominent. 📈💰

Paul Chan emphasized that the development of artificial intelligence is accelerating, which will technically support the digital transformation of Hong Kong companies. 🔧🤖

This news is undoubtedly good news for the blockchain and Bitcoin industry, because the development of financial technology and the popularization of blockchain technology are closely related. 🔗💡

Let us look forward to more breakthroughs and innovations in the field of blockchain in Hong Kong! 🎉🎉