Big news in the cryptocurrency circle🤡Attention, KOLs‼ ️A fraud gang extorting KOLs has appeared‼ ️Welcome to get materials from me‼ ️@KOL狙击手 and a small account called the Crypto Circle Clown Collection‼ ️

The two who accurately exploited the psychology of retail investors to cut leeks from retail investors have sent you melons again in the past few days, exposing the clowns🤡

First, didn’t we predict that Bitcoin would fall from 74,000 to below 60,000 and ETH would be shorted from 4086 to 2888 in the past two months? The following articles have:对应的提前发文给出精准点位和走势的文章汇总

This clown saw that we were very popular. He took advantage of this to gain traffic and published a lot of articles to discredit us. My fans, with tens of thousands of eyes, saw that it was true. He discredited us and immediately scolded him in the comment section until he became autistic. The article was reported and removed from the platform. 🤣

A big man should not bear grudges. I sincerely invite him to come to our community to experience it. It is free. 🤣 After all, ours is real and I am not afraid of anyone coming to see it. 🤣 Then the clown contacted me and first proposed the condition that our internal community should be open to him for free. 🤣 I let you come to experience it for free because of our sincerity, not to let you come to blackmail and extort money like a clown. Just want to take advantage of me. I publish everything publicly in advance for tens of thousands of fans to see. I am afraid that you will smear me⁉️This is the difference between villains. I sincerely let you come in and experience it for free to solve the problem. You want to take the opportunity to blackmail me🤣

Then I still let him into our community. I let him in to experience both the copy trading community and the real trading community. After reading it, he was convinced and wanted to join my membership🤣It made me laugh to death. At that time, everyone knew that we had published all the market information publicly for two consecutive months, and the real trading income doubled twice in one month. He also knew that he was doomed🤣

Then he begged me to apologize to me and said that he was wrong to smear me, and asked me to let him go and let the fans not report him. Funny, I asked him to post a clarification article, he said he was afraid that if he posted it, the fans would not trust him and he knew that he made a wrong judgment, and he would lose face. You could hold it when you slandered me and took advantage of my traffic, but now you can't hold it when I ask you to clarify⁉️I thought forget it, but I didn't expect this clown to come again#BTC走势分析