CoinVoice recently learned that according to the monitoring of on-chain analyst Yu Jin, the ETH/BTC exchange rate fell to 0.044 a few days ago. 0x1111, a die-hard bull of the ETH/BTC exchange rate, was forced to withdraw part of the ETH and buy WBTC to repay the loan to reduce the position because his position reached the liquidation line. Now the ETH/BTC exchange rate rebounded to 0.0466, and the whale once again increased the ETH/BTC exchange rate to go long: 9 hours ago, he borrowed 50 W BTC (US$3.35 million) and sold them for 1,069 ETH.

The whale’s current position health ratio is 1.07 (the liquidation line is at ETH/BTC exchange rate 0.0435). [Original link]